After a willing witness died, the suspects of a drive-by shooting that killed a 19-year-old woman were freed.

Isis Aaliyah Mahr a first-degree murder victim of a drive-by shooting and 2 suspects were freed after a witness died (Photo: St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
First Degree Murder Suspects Freed
After two suspects who were arrested for the crime had their charges dropped over the murder of a witness, the family of a 19-year-old woman who was killed in St. Louis after being caught in the crossfire of a drive-by shooting is furious.
When Corey Hardy and Jalin Jefferson were detained in connection with the slaying of Isis Aaliyah Mahr in October 2021, they were still teens. At the drive-by shooting in the Baden neighborhood, three further youths were shot and hurt.
The trial set to start this month would see both Hardy and Jefferson tried as adults for first-degree murder.
First Degree Murder Witness
The sole witness eager to testify was likewise murdered, according to the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office, so all charges against the suspects were withdrawn.
According to KMOV-TV, the prosecutors in the case were repeatedly charged with incompetence for neglecting to furnish the defense with evidence. A magistrate was once “considering sanctions” against the prosecution. The allegations of judicial neglect were raised when Kimberly Gardner, a circuit attorney who had George Soros’ financial support, was in charge of the office. After receiving harsh criticism for failing to perform her job obligations, she resigned from the position in May 2023.
Before their death, the slain witness had testified in another murder case, and they were set to do so again at the trial. Atif Mahr, Isis Mahr’s father, also declared that he will keep fighting for his daughter’s rights.
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