Meniere’s disease is a disorder that affects the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for hearing and balance. The condition causes vertigo, the sensation of spinning. It also leads to hearing problems and a ringing sound in the ear.
The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that 615,000 people in the United States have Meniere’s disease. Around 45,500 people are diagnosed each year. It’s most likely to occur in people in their 40s and 50s.
Meniere’s disease usually affects only one ear.
Meniere’s disease is chronic, but treatments and lifestyle changes can help ease symptoms. Many people diagnosed with Meniere’s disease will go into remission within a few years after their diagnosis.
What causes Meniere’s disease?
The cause of Meniere’s disease isn’t known, but scientists believe it’s caused by changes in the fluid in tubes of the inner ear. Other suggested causes include autoimmune disease, allergies, and genetics.
What are the symptoms of Meniere’s disease?
Meniere’s disease symptoms tend to come on as “episodes” or “attacks.” These symptoms include:
vertigo, with attacks lasting anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours
loss of hearing in the affected ear
tinnitus, or the sensation of ringing, in the affected ear
aural fullness, or the feeling that the ear is full or plugged
loss of balance
nausea, vomiting, and sweating caused by severe vertigo
Someone with Meniere’s disease will experience at least two to three of the following symptoms at one time:
Most people with Meniere’s disease don’t experience symptoms between episodes. So, many of these symptoms can be caused by other problems in the ear if they occur during a period with no attacks. Meniere’s disease may also be confused for other inner ear disorders, such as labyrinthitis.
How is Meniere’s disease diagnosed?
If you’re experiencing symptoms of Meniere’s disease, your doctor will order tests to examine your balance and hearing, and rule out other causes of your symptoms.
Hearing test
A hearing test, or audiometry, is used to determine if you’re experiencing hearing loss. In this test, you’ll put on headphones and hear noises of a variety of pitches and volumes. You’ll need to indicate when you can and cannot hear a tone, so the technician can determine if you’re experiencing hearing loss.
Your hearing will also be tested to determine if you can tell the difference between similar sounds. In this portion of the test, you’ll hear words through the headphones and repeat what you hear. The results of this test will tell your doctor if you have a hearing problem in one or both ears.
A problem in the inner ear, or with the nerve in the ear, can cause hearing loss. An electrocochleography (ECog) test is done to measure the electrical activity in the inner ear. An auditory brainstem response (ABR) test checks the function of the hearing nerves and the hearing center in the brain. These tests can tell your doctor if the problem is caused by your inner ear or with your ear nerve.
Balance tests
Balance tests are performed to test the function of your inner ear. People who have Meniere’s disease will have a reduced balance response in one of their ears. The balance test most commonly used to test for Meniere’s disease is electronystagmography (ENG).
In this test, you’ll have electrodes placed around your eyes to detect eye movement. This is done because the balance response in the inner ear causes eye movements.
During this test, both hot and cold water will be pushed into your ear. The water causes your balance function to work. Your involuntary eye movements will be tracked. Any abnormalities can indicate a problem with the inner ear.
Rotary chair testing is used less often. It’ll show your doctor whether your problem is caused by an issue in your ear or your brain. It’s used in addition to ENG testing because the ENG results can be incorrect if you have ear damage or wax is blocking one of your ear’s canals. In this test, your eye movements are carefully recorded while the chair moves.
Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing measures the sound sensitivity of the vestibule of the inner ear. And posturography testing helps determine what part of your balance system isn’t functioning properly. You’ll react to various balance challenges while wearing a safety harness and standing barefoot.
Other tests
Issues with the brain, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or brain tumors, can cause symptoms similar to Meniere’s disease. Your doctor may order tests to rule out these, and other, conditions. They may also order a head MRI or a cranial CT scan to assess possible problems with your brain.