The dog is a man’s best friend but in the case of a 6-year-old boy, it was not.

6-Year-Old boy mauled by their own dog. (Photo: Cafe Mom)
In the North Port, Florida there was a family that owned a crossbreed dog. The dog was healthy but had not been euthanized for anti rabies.
July 4, 2023 the dog mauled the 6-year-old boy. His family bring him to the hospital but while their on their way the boy died. According to the diagnosis of the doctors the boy died from the severe injuries he get from the dog.
The family requested the authorities that their dog should be euthanized. Authorities are investigating the incident if the owner of the dog mauled the 6-year-old boy would be charged for his death.
Authorities that day did not received any report about a dog mauled a 6-year-old boy. Later, they discovered that the dog was owned by the family.
After the tragedy that happened to the family. They surrendered their dog to the animal services. And the staff their inform them that the dog will be quarantined before they euthanized.
Family, neighbors and even the baseball team are devastated because of what happened to their little angel. They describe the 6-year-old boy as cheerful and sweet boy.