Although Raleigh, North Carolina, is a stunning and historic city, but there are places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina. Check out the places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina for you to know if you plan to visit these places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Not Safe Neighborhoods In Raleigh, North Carolina: Check this Out!
Check Out the Places that are not Safe Neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina
The places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina that you need to look out for include South, Southwest, South Central, East Raleigh, Southeast, Central, Northeast, West, North Central and Mordecai. Data shows about places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina or data that Raleigh regardless of population size has a greater rate of violent crime than most U.S. localities. In Raleigh it is 1 in 385 that someone will be the victim of a violent crime such an armed robbery, an aggravated assault, a rape or a murder.
In order to determine which places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina significant factors were evaluated. It is common to relocate or travel to new places. However safety need to be your top priority. Check out list of the places that are not safe neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina to visit if you considering a trip to Raleigh soon.