Here are the dangerous neighborhoods in Atlanta.
Neighborhoods In Atlanta
There are many good neighborhoods in Atlanta that are fit for people to live and settle in. There are a total of 243 neighborhoods in Atlanta which are city-defined and can offer many living options.
Neighborhoods in Atlanta are said to be fairly safe to live or visit in. For the past years, crime rates in the neighborhoods in Atlanta have dropped as crime reports have decreased.
Even so, there are still neighborhoods in Atlanta that are still deemed dangerous to live in and even walk through. These neighborhoods in Atlanta still possess high crime rates and crime reports are recorded every day.
According to a published article by Pip’s Island Home, Oakland City is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Atlanta. Oakland City has a high crime rate as well as the unemployment rate. Even their crime rate is a bit higher compared to the national average.
Lakewood Heights is also one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Atlanta. Although their cost of living is at a good price, their crime and unemployment rates are high which makes it a dangerous neighborhood to live in.
Dangerous Places In Atlanta For 2023
In a published article by NY Rent Own Sell, Mechanicsville is the most dangerous neighborhood in Atlanta for the year 2023. This neighborhood is famous for its homicide, assault, and robbery crimes.
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