In the days leading up to the November 2021 municipal elections for months, Leavenworth citizens were bombarded with Proctor campaign paid advertisement for “his endorsed candidates” for the Leavenworth City Commission. In particular, he reminded Leavenworth voters of the manufactured outrage topics created by the Proctor campaign to boost the endorsed candidates:
- A proposal for the purchase and development of 600 Cherokee, what is now Willcott Brewery.
- Funding for Camp Leavenworth.
Excerpt from October 2021 Proctor campaign-funded newsletter.Photo byProctor Campaign Paid Material
After winning seats on the City Commission, Edd Hingula and Griff Martin went right to work and “asked the tough questions,” according to Proctor.
Excerpt from January 2022 Proctor Campaign Paid NewsletterPhoto byProctor Campaign Paid Material
What was the result? The same.
In the January 25, 2022, Leavenworth City Commission meeting, with Representative Proctor in attendance, Edd Hingula presented a motion to the other commissioners to sign another contract with the same “out-of-town Vendor.” This was in obvious defiance of Proctor’s ascertian that it was a waste of tax dollars.
In fact, in the Commission Minutes from that meeting, City Administrator Paul Kramer stated that based on the comments and questions from commissioners, “small changes” were made to the program.
It appears that the Camp Leavenworth discussion was only a political talking point for Proctor.
Also, remember the Proctor campaign “tens of thousands of your tax dollars…” for Camp Leavenworth…the military trained propagandist lies in the margins and fails to mention that the “tax dollars” are taxes generated from the transient guest tax; out-of-towners staying at hotels. That bucket of revenue can only be spent on activities promoting tourism to Leavenworth, like the Camp Leavenworth festival. It isn’t tax revenue generated from property or even sales tax or tax revenue that could be used to fund the general fund.
Not only did Proctor’s clean-up crew “tackle” the Camp Leavenworth situation for no loss – or gain – they took a shot at a two-for-one.
Proctor had been complaining about the building at 600 Cherokee, but he had also been complaining about the city’s use of a property land bank to hold property the city owns until an agreement to sell the property has been reached. This is an issue he revived for the 2023 elections, claiming Gerald Overbey will bring an end to the landbank.
Excerpt October Proctor Campaign Funded NewsletterPhoto byProctor Campaign Paid Material
In the same meeting where Edd Hingula brought the motion to pass unanimously to continue to pay an out-of-town organizer for Camp Leavenworth, Mr. Hingula also acted as a member of both the City Commission and as a City Land Bank trustee to accept none other than the property at 600 Cherokee into the Landbank.
Again, with Proctor in attendance, the record reflects that Proctor, when asked to speak, said nothing of his complaints with funding Camp Leavenworth, the unfair deal to improve the building attached to a building Proctor’s wife owns, or the apparent government suspicion he now holds over Hingula and Martin, after endorsing them and promising them to be the solution to wasteful tax spending of the previous commission.
Instead, Martin and Hingula defied Proctor on 25 January 2022. Proctor’s Political Promises can add up to triple the problems and adding Gerry Overbey to the commission would build a Proctor Majority on the City Commission – is that what is needed in Leavenworth?