In a heartbreaking turn of events, Sonny Smart, the father of University of Georgia head football coach Kirby Smart, passed away early Saturday morning. This loss comes just days after he suffered a fall in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve while attending the Sugar Bowl to support his son’s team. The Smart family is now facing this new chapter with strength and gratitude amid a time of sorrow.
The Incident
On New Year’s Eve, the legendary figure in Georgia football took a tumble resulting in a fractured hip. After this fall, Sonny Smart underwent hip surgery at a hospital in New Orleans. Unfortunately, complications arose, leading to his untimely death. He passed away surrounded by loved ones at 12:15 a.m. on Saturday.
A Legacy in Coaching
Sonny Smart was well-known not only as a devoted father but also as a respected high school football coach. He coached at Bainbridge High School and Rabun County High School, making a significant impact on the lives of young athletes between 1988 and 2003. He was proud to have mentored his son, Kirby, during his early coaching career, instilling values that Kirby still holds dear today. Many former players and fellow coaches have shared fond memories and stories of Sonny’s positive influence and strong character.
Gratitude from the Family
During this difficult time, the Smart family expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the care provided by the medical staff at Ochsner hospital. They released a statement asking for continued prayers and support as they navigate the loss of a beloved father and mentor. The family emphasized the importance of community by inviting friends and fans to remember Sonny Smart not only for his coaching career but also for the man he was as a father and community member.
Words of Condolence
The loss of Sonny Smart has sparked an outpouring of condolences from various figures in sports and politics. Greg Sankey, the SEC commissioner, and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp have both shared their sympathies, acknowledging the profound impact Sonny had on those who knew him. Governor Kemp praised him for his outstanding character and the strong family values he embodied, highlighting the loss felt throughout the community.
Remembering Sonny Smart
Not just as a coach, but as a guiding light, Sonny’s wisdom and guidance left an indelible mark on all who encountered him. His legacy echoes through the developing careers of countless young athletes shaped under his mentorship. As friends, family, and former players remember him, the stories shared will continue to keep his spirit alive. In an era defined by competition and achievement, Sonny Smart’s life stood as a testament to the values of hard work, dedication, and the importance of family.