Some of the worst neighborhoods in Philadelphia that need to be avoided at all costs.
Family-Friendly But Unsafe At The Same Time Neighborhoods In Philadelphia
Neighborhoods in Philadelphia are generally wonderful and family-friendly. But despite it seeming like a safe place, high crime rates are present in the neighborhoods in Philadelphia.
Neighborhoods in Philadelphia are famous for many reasons. Neighborhoods in Philadelphia have restaurants that are top-notch, many forms of entertainment, and many more.
For any popular place such as the neighborhoods in Philadelphia, hazards and risks of safety are always present. And neighborhoods in Philadelphia are not exempted from this.
According to a published article by Money INC, neighborhoods in Philadelphia have very high crime rates. Despite the neighborhoods in Philadelphia coming out as friendly and risk-free, the truth is that they hold high rates of different crimes which put tourists and even locals at risk.
Unsafe Philadelphia Neighborhoods in 2023
In a published article by Southwest Journal, neighborhoods such as Hunting Park, Fairhill, Harrowgate, and even Elmwood are all present on the list. The stated neighborhoods have high numbers of population which makes crimes more easily done and possible.
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